Introducing Apostle Les D. Crause

If you are tired of living an ordinary unfulfilled life, then you have found what you are looking for.
Let me introduce myself to you first. My name is Les D. Crause and for many years I struggled along wondering if I would ever make an impact in this world.
I started in humble beginnings and faced many problems in life. In fact, at one point, I sat and wrote down a list of everything that had happened to me. And one thing was very clear.
Everything that could go wrong had gone wrong
Today I am an Apostolic Father, married to a wonderful woman who is also in Apostolic Office. We function as spiritual parents and have together established an international ministry that has trained Apostles, Prophets, Pastors, Entrepreneurs and many other kinds of leaders. The training materials and schools that we have established are unlike anything else you will find in the world. I challenge you to test this and prove it to be true.
Now with this new School of the Supernatural we are adding a further layer to our existing training. So those who have been trained to function in the Fivefold Ministry will now be able to add a greater supernatural dimension to their ministry. All existing training schools are currently under the leadership of Apostle Nadine Stohler, but the new school will function separately to the previous schools, and will be run exclusively by Me and Daphne.
Introducing Apostle Daphne Crause

Hello, my name is Daphne Crause and I want to welcome you to this site. I am so blessed to be able to be able to work as one with my husband, Apostle Les D. Crause.
At the time of writing this About Us page, Les and I have been married for 29 years. When we first got married I had a desire to go into ministry as a pastor’s wife, and the Lord answered us in a wonderful way.
When we got married I was zealous for the Lord and really loved Him and wanted to be used by Him, but I was somewhat ignorant on much of the spiritual life. However I soon started on a spiritual learning curve and embarked on both prophetic and apostolic training.
It has taken me a while to find my spiritual footing and to flow in the same way as Les. But now is the time for this to happen, and this site is the fulfillment of a desire of ours to flow in this way for many years.
Over the years I developed a strong prayer ministry and have written several books on prayer. Some titles are: The Way to Effective Prayer, Praying With Power and then Addicted to Prayer which is a full course including video and audio lectures.
The most popular of these is Praying With Power, which takes you through prayer from the absolute basics, up until praying in a group. It has been a popular resource and a helpful tool for many.
I love encouraging and ministering in simple ways. I pray that Les and I will be a blessing to you as you make use of this ministry resource.